What does the future hold? The power of your thoughts!

Have you ever thought about why you are doing what you are doing at the moment or why you are where you are at this moment of your life?

In my experience we often think about what is happening in the present, when something goes wrong and we ask ourselves: why me? why now? why that bad? The answer is often not very obvious and we try to find a mechanism to cope with the situation.

I grew up with parents who created their lives in the post-war Germany. They were poor, experienced insecurity and extreme change in their lives and worked hard to have a better life. I’m sure they complained from time to time as well, but they were thankful for every little bit they had. That is how my parents taught me gratitude and I am very thankful for that. Gratitude is one of the most important traits we can have to enjoy live more. We are thankful for what we have and don’t have to complain why we don’t have more. Try to be thankful, for what has happened to you in the past, for the people you have met in the past, for the people who are in your life at present, for being healthy, etc. If you take your time you can be thankful for many, many things and it will change your perspective how you look at your day today.

Most of us are driven people, who want to achieve something in life. We all work very hard and sacrifice time and energy for our goals. More often than once we experience situations where we don’t get what we want – a job, a certain position, a place at university, an externship, a meeting with somebody, etc. There is one way how we react to that. Growing up, my Dad had the approach to “not complain and deal with it” and my Mum always said “don’t worry too much about it, it is good for something”. I adapted a combination of both mechanisms and the positive thinking that came with it, helped me taking the hurdles in my life. The beginning of this year though I experienced a low point caused by several factors in my professional life… I was unable to master this “low” in the short term. No coping mechanism I had in stock worked to get me out of this negative spiral. Looking back I realized that the universe “conspired” to help me and help was just around the corner.

Since several years now, I have been listening to my friend Florian Hornig’s blog “simplicity of happiness”, where he mentioned in one series Laura Malina Seiler, a German mindful empowerment coach. I started listening to Laura’s podcast as well regularly and completed a 4-week online meditation course the beginning of this year. Working through chapters like “accept what is happening”, “let go what has happened in the past”, “remember who you are” to “create what you want”, my mindset has changed. During the last week of the course, my professional life turned a corner. At first sight it seemed to be a negative one as I had to interrupt my current professional training program, but in the long term, looking back 6 months after that initial decision, it was the right thing to do. I am convinced that doing the meditation course helped me set my mindset into the right direction without telling me exactly what to do. By working with my mind, the necessary things “just happened” to get my life back on track.

This brings me back to my original question: what does the future hold? After having spent time and work with the world of thoughts and the power of manifestation I am convinced that we create our future with our thoughts – often without realizing it. Think about the thousands of thoughts you have every day. Some of them you have more often than others and they manifest themselves, because they make your brain think: she or he has thought those thoughts several times today, these must be the right ones. This shouldn’t scare you, it should make you extremely happy and enthusiastic! You can create your own future by realizing it in your thoughts! Isn’t that the coolest thing ever?

One of the meditations during the course was a “walking meditation to visualize your future” you do preferably in nature. It is very powerful and truly empowering! Last weekend I was walking along the beach and spontaneously did this meditation again, 6 months after I did it the first time. It was so empowering it made my heart jump with excitement I felt creating my future! You should try it! Create your future! Fall in love with your future! You are the master of your future! Higher self on!

Just a little reminder, if you haven’t donated yet for my awesome cause to help Kenyan boys and girls creating their future, please consider donating on my fundraising page! It is greatly appreciated! THANK YOU!!