The fight against Female Genital Mutilation

is the main focus of the Desert Flower Foundation, which has been founded by Waris Dirie, who underwent this inhumane procedure herself when she was just a little girl. 

Female genital mutilation (FGM) refers to "all procedures involving partial or total removal of the female external genitalia or other injury to the female genital organs for non-medical reasons" (WHO, Eliminating FGM: an interagency statement, WHO, UNFPA, UNICEF, UNIFEM, OHCHR, UNHCR, UNECA, UNDP, UNAIDS, WHO, Geneva, 2008, p.4)

FGM is practiced in over 31 African and Asian countries; and also in communities in Europe, Australia and North America to continue the traditional practice. FGM doesn't have any medical indication and is deeply entrenched as a social norm rooted in gender inequality, where violence against girls and women is socially acceptable. 

At least 200 million girls and women alive today have undergone FGM according to the WHO.

Several broad categories are classfied by the WHO including partial or total removal of the clitoris with or without removal of the labia minora, with or without excision of the labia majora and sometimes including narrowing of the vaginal orifice by cutting and suturing the labia minora and/or labia majora together to create a seal. In addition, pricking, piercing, incising, scraping and cauterization of genitalia is performed as well.    

This procedure in itself is cruel and inhumane, usually performed without any sedation or anaesthesia and non-sterile instruments by people, who have not had any medical training. It is a violation of the fundamental human rights and the affected girls and women can experience complications like severe pain, prolonged bleeding, infection, infertility, death and women can experience complications during child birth, still birth and neonatal death. Not mentioning the psychological damage they experience.

It is totally unacceptable to continue this practice! In some countries progress has been made to eliminate it, but in many countries it still remains a common practice today. For example over 90% of women and girls in Guinea and Somalia undergo some form of genital mutilation or cutting (all information from

The Desert Flower Foundation was founded by Waris Dirie to fight against FGM on all levels of the governments and health services to spread information, increase awareness and directly help girls and young women by improving their education so they are equipped not to fall into the marriage trap.

Please inform yourself. The UNICEF and WHO websites are very valuable sources of well researched information. 

Waris Dirie wrote a book about her life and experience ("Desert Flower") and the movie "Desert Flower" about Waris' journey is available to watch on youtube. It's an absolute must watch!!!

Please help spread awareness to stop this torture and make people aware of this practice and the gender inequality that is still so widespread on this planet. It is a well worth cause to support!