Education is a human right with immense power to transform. On its foundation rest the cornerstones of freedom, democracy and sustainable human development. Kofi Annan

Having been able to grow up in a country where education is considered a right all children are entitled to, I had to realize when I was travelling in South America in 1993/94, that not all children are as privileged as I was. I realized that the most powerful means for people to get out of poverty and to form the basis for equality of all people in a society is education.

During the last 25 years I was very busy studying, advancing my career and being busy with “life”. However, in recent years I have had the feeling that there is more to life than filling your days with doing what you love. As the Dalai Lama says: “If you think you are too small to make a difference, try sleeping with a mosquito”.

Africa has always been a continent I’ve been admiring respectfully for its tribal traditions, colorful art, its wildlife, landscapes, diversity in culture and language and the never ending positivity of the vast majority of the African people. A lot of regions are struggling though and children are the ones who suffer most.

Searching for projects in Africa I could support, I found an amazing program which operates in Kenya and is achieving outstanding and marvelous results in teaching children, educating teachers and spreading excellent education throughout rural Kenya - Flying Kites. Please have a look at their videos and visit their webpage and social media pages on facebook and instagram

I raised over $1200.- for flyingkites before, during and after the Kilimanjaro tour, but they always have projects that need support and they are very grateful for every financial support they can get, especially now durign teh COVDI-19 pandemic. Please visit their social media pages and their webpage to find out about current projects.  

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