Positive Action Kenya is a non-governmental organisation that is led by three young passionate Kenyans since 2013. They are running projects for Kenyan kids and young adults from disadvantaged backgrounds to help them achieve their dreams. The focus of the projects can be divided in: skills development, academic support and welfare, youth mentorship and since the pandemic a COVID-19 relief drive. 

Within the skill development and academic support program they provide tools for a successful education, set up extracurricular activities and help gifted students to enroll into a higher education program. The welfare program focusses on supplying vulnerable students with meals, clothing, toiletries and girls with sanitary products to they can continue to go to school and focus on their education. With an online and on the ground coaching program in cooperation with Bora International, young adults are supported in identifying their education and career goals. The COVID19 Relief Drive was established in March 2020 to provide orphaned and at-risk children with food, sanitation and digital online education.     

My attention towards this organisation was drawn by Storm Trentham, the Kenya Women's Lacrosse coach, who is cooperating with Positive Action Kenya and supporting them with donations. I have been supporting Positive Action Kenya with donations and will continue to do so as they are doing a wonderful job.

If this sparked your interest and you want to know more about this wonderful program go to http://www.positiveactionkenya.org