Be like an arrow. 

Each one is different and none is perfect.

There is nothing wrong with a crooked arrow. As long as it follows its own path, it will find its way.

(Haudenosaunee "Crooked Arrow" in the film "Crooked Arrows")

Have you ever reflected about why people do what they are doing in life? Have you ever reflected why YOU do what you do in YOUR life?

It is impressive how often we don't really make a conscious decision about what we are doing in and with our lives. From our earliest years in life we are influenced by our environment, family, friends, who shape our minds and thinking. We go to kindergarden, then go to school, some of us go to university or college, some do an apprenticeship. Then often society, culture and tradition "suggests" a certain lifestyle, which in the Western world often incorporates having a house, being married, having kids, a dog. At some point, people get "inspired" by something or somebody to live their lives a certain way. These can be written inspirations like biographies on paper or on social media, personal encounters with inspiring people, moved images like documentaries or movies.

I got inspired by all those means mentioned above during my teenage and adult years, more consciously now being older than when I was younger. I was a schizophrenic personality, in a metaphoric way - I was rebel enough to do my own thing, but still was caught in the perception that I had to comply to what society expected from me. These two worlds fought inside me in my thirties and in the end I accepted that there is no ONE way how to live your life and that everybody has to find their own way. Nobody can tell you how to do it.

And here inspiration comes into play. Inspiration as the process of being mentally stimulated to do something, especially something creative and something you love. I realized that if you get inspired by the right things you read and watch, and meeting the right people, you can get inspired to become a better YOU and be a positive change for the world by bringing your greatness to this globe.  

Listening to a podcast recently it was mentioned that we at least climb two mountains during our life. The first mountain is all about setting up a career, building a family and sorting out your own life; the second mountain is about community and giving something back. While I am still climbing the first mountain, I decided to actively and purposely start climbing the second mountain giving something back to the community of the world.

With this webpage I want to tell my story and inspire people to search for what they really love to do with and in their life.

By doing what we love we can change the world into a better place.